The Project tenements are broadly situated within the Hardey Formation of the Fortesque Subgroup which is part of the regional Mt Bruce Supergroup. Regionally the geological sequence consists of broadly flat lying units of the Fortescue Group and comprising from youngest to oldest, volcaniclastic sandstone and conglomerate of the Lyle Creek Member of the Hardey Formation, argillite, sandstone, conglomerate, basaltic flows and breccias of the Hardey Formation, fine to medium grained dolerite of the Cooya Pooya Dolerite and basaltic flows and breccia and basaltic volcaniclastic sandstone of the Mount Roe Basalt. Locally the tenements are within areas of the Coonya Pooya Dolerite which is a fine to medium grained mafic sill which locally can form as dykes within the host Hardey Formation.